Doctoral Programme in Chemical Sciences and Technology
Satisfaction surveys
An analysis of the results of the satisfaction surveys carried out by the SGC (quality management system of the universities) divided in different interest groups was made in April 2021. The results are shown bellow.
PhD students
The global assessment, obtained as an average of the assessments of the different blocks, shows a slight and constant increase, going from 3.0 in the 2016/17 academic year to 3.3 in the 2019/20 academic year.
Regarding the general information of the program, the evaluation by the students in the first year 2016/17 was 2.2, this evaluation increased in the following years reaching a value of 2.8 in 2018/19. Of the different questions in this category, the lowest scores (between 1 and 2) are obtained in the questions related to the information provided on professional opportunities after the doctorate.
The assessment of the administrative procedures, both by first-year students and continuation students, has been fairly constant over time, ranging between 3.0 and 3.2.
The assessment of the agents involved (EDIUS or EIDO, thesis directors and tutors, administrative staff and program coordinator) has been fairly constant with values around 3. The highest assessments (above 4) among the agents involved are obtained by the directors and thesis tutors.
The assessment by the students of the available resources (material, bibliographic and research resources and work spaces) has been good and it has remained constant in the range 3.4-4.0.
The training offer has been positively rated by the students with a constant evaluation between 3 and 3.4. The question raised in which a higher rate was obtained was in relation to whether the topic of his/her thesis met his/her expectations.
If we look at the ratings obtained in the different categories during the last course surveyed, it can be seen that the category with the lowest rating is general program information, while the category with the highest rating is resources.
The results of the satisfaction surveys were organized into four categories for analysis: structure, management and organization, resources, development of the doctoral program, evaluation functions, supervision and recognition of the work carried out, and overall satisfaction.
Overall, faculty satisfaction has a rating between 3.6 and 3.9 with a slight upward trend, obtaining a rating of the degree of satisfaction with doctoral students higher than 4.
Regarding satisfaction with the structure, management and organization, a positive trend is observed in the assessment obtained by this category, going from 3.3 in the 2017/18 academic year to 4 in the 2019/20 academic year.
Regarding the available resources, a slight upward trend is observed in satisfaction, with a rating in the last course of 3.9. Among the questions raised in this category, the one that has obtained the highest scores is that one referring to the adequacy and availability of laboratories, classrooms, workshops, special equipment, bibliographic resources, telecommunications resources and networks.
In the category dedicated to the development of the doctoral program, a fairly constant assessment is observed with a slight increase between 3.4 and 3.9.
The category "satisfaction with the functions of evaluation, supervision and recognition of work" shows an upward trend, going from 2.3 in the 2017/18 academic year to 3.0 in the 2019/20 academic year. Obtaining low values (between 2.3 and 2.9) regarding satisfaction with the recognition mechanism (teaching dedication) of the work of tutoring and thesis supervision and highlighting the lack of training as a thesis supervisor.